Posted by: theteet | April 23, 2007


“Do you have a photo of your slain professor?” says reporter.

“What?” says communications person for the university. ” … I was in Norris Hall. I just got my computer back today. I’m in a temporary office. I don’t even have a pen!”

“I hate myself.”


  1. it doesn’t make your stuff any less important.

  2. I once owned a pen while driving through Virginia. Would it help if I Fed Ex’ed you a photo of me? I’m sorry. I feel bad cracking this joke. But it stands. But I am sorry about it. But I cannot take it back.

  3. I really really wish this wasn’t such a funny exchange. So many possibilities. But, isn’t it interesting how the media has to exploit tragedy and situations so that the rest of us can appreciate it at all? It’s like you have to be cold just so you can put heart into something. Such a dicotomy.


  4. i’m so sorry to everyone who has commented here, but monsterbear(d) has just blown my fucking mind.

  5. Two hands, Teter. Two hands. You break one of them punching the brick wall, use the other.

    You will prevail.

  6. that is classic television, Miss K. you are such a badass editor. ’twill be missed.

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